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The New Maintanance Policy doesn't have freely available releases starting with PrimeFaces 3.5.

This work initiative aims to provide freely available repositories with the result of an integration effort of each change from original open source repository. All sources came from the original repository under the Apache License 2.0. The sources from this work are all hosted in GitHub. Fork it!
Need support? See the official support page. The releases distributed here are not officially supported. Use at your own risk, according to the respective clauses in Apache License 2.0.

Unofficial Releases

Unofficial Maven Repository for unofficial releases based in the changes from original open source repository.

Version Resources Notes
5.1.3-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.1.2-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.12-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.1.1-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.11-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.10-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.8-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.7-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.6-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.5-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.4-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.3-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.2-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
5.0.1-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
4.0.6-UR2 Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.22-UR2 Binary Sources ChangeLog
4.0.5-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.21-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
4.0.4-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.20-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
4.0.3-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.19-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
4.0.2-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.18-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
4.0.1-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.17-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.16-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.15-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.14-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.13-UR2 Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.12-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.11-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.10-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.9-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.8-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.7-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.6-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.5-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.4-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.3-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.2-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog
3.5.1-UR Binary Sources ChangeLog

Downloading unofficial releases with Maven:

  <name>Community PrimeFaces Maven Repository</name>


This unofficial repository does not contain artifacts for themes. Therefore, keep the official repository in your POM.
In the 3.5.9-UR and 3.5.10-UR releases the feature 5850 ended up coming down from upstream version. See the workaround if you are using one of them.
From 3.5.8-UR to 3.5.13-UR releases, there is one bug in AjaxBehaviour.saveState. From the 3.5.13-UR2 release on, the bug was fixed.

Latest Official Releases

Please go to the Official Site for download official releases.